To help our buyers, has provided several payment methods, so consumers can transfer money using any one of them. The following is the list of payment methods.
Cash on Delivery
You can deposit money into our EasyPaisa account. Our EasyPaisa account number is 0321 8393665
If you want to make a payment on EasyPaisa you can make a payment on the following CNIC number:
You can deposit funds into our JazzCash account. Our JazzCash account number is 0321 8393665.
After making the payment, kindly inform us of the transaction details by sending an email, contacting us via phone, or sharing the payment slip through WhatsApp at 0306-4341402. This is crucial to ensure accurate identification of your payment. Please allow us 24 to 48 hours to process and update your bank payments.
If you are making the payment through JazzCash or EasyPaisa, please provide us with the Transaction ID at 0306-4341402